Christian Double Talk
Dear Friend,
Please read through the following “double-talk” phrases. These are confusing thoughts I’ve heard all my Christian life. Both sides of the phrase cannot be equally true. Which do you think should be left off?
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: There’s nothing you MUST do to be saved, here’s what you MUST do to be saved.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ paid for your sins… you must pay for your sins in hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ died for the sins of all… all will not be saved.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: men are FREE to do good works… men are in bondage to sin.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God controls all things… God doesn’t control man’s freewill.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Salvation is up to you… “It is not of him that willeth.” (Romans 9:16)
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ died to eliminate the penalty of sin, the penalty of sin is ETERNAL.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: You are saved by Grace, you are saved by faith.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: A sinner can only blame himself for going to hell, a CHRISTIAN cannot praise himself for going to heaven.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God loves all. God will torment most in Hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: You’re saved by Christ’s death on the cross. You’re saved by your response to his death.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God can do all things. God cannot violate man’s FREEWILL.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Man must forgive his enemies. God must torment his enemies forever.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Man’s has an absolute freewill… God knows what man will do every time.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God wants to save all… God wants to punish those who don’t get saved.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God created all things. God did not create EVIL.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: To be saved you must believe you are not saved, then you must believe you are saved.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Grace is UNmerited favor given only to those who merit it with faith and obedience.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Grace is Unqualified favor given only to those who qualify for it with faith and obedience.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Grace is Undeserved favor given only to those who deserve it for faith and obedience.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Salvation is UNLIMITED, except that it is limited.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Nothing can separate you from the love of God, except disobedience, doubt, fear, sin, etc. etc. etc.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL IF you meet these conditions.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God’s will is UNopposable, but God’s will is opposed by the sinner.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: NOTHING can exist apart from the will of God, God cannot be responsible for sin and evil.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God does not force anyone to be saved, But God will force the unsaved to go to hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church, but the church cannot go to hell to find out if its true.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christians go to heaven when they die, but “apart from the resurrection they perish”.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God displays his infinite love and wisdom by infinitely punishing sinners in infinite hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: The cross will save the Christian, the cross will damn the sinner.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: The GOOD NEWS is that there is a slim chance for your salvation.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Salvation was POSSIBLE before the cross by obedience, but now it is POSSIBLE by obedience.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: You MUST do good works, you CANNOT do good works.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Jesus saved everyone on the cross. Jesus saved no one on the cross.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: You are not saved by your good works, apart from good works you’ll go to hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ died for all sin except the sin of not believing he died for all sin.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ died for all sin except the sin of not receiving his death for all of your sins.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Christ died for all sin except the sin of not accepting that He died for all sin.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Jesus was a friend of SINNERS (Matt 11:19) Sinners are going to hell forever.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: The Good Shepherd seeks the lost sheep UNTIL he finds it. The Good Shepherd seeks until it’s too late.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God’s everlasting love is for a limited time only.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: There is no 2nd chance for salvation. Salvation is not a thing of chance.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: Faith cannot save. Without faith you cannot be saved.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God is not a terrorist. God threatens all with ETERNAL HELL for lack of cooperation.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: “Our Loving Heavenly Father, please don’t send us to an Eternal Hell”
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God’s justice was satisfied in Jesus’ cross. God’s justice demands ETERNAL CONSCIOUS PUNISHMENT.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: “Render to no one EVIL for EVIL.” Sinners will pay for their evil, in HELL.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: “You Reap What You Sow.” God’s reaps nothing by casting sinners in HELL????
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: “There is only ONE God.” But God must battle with Satan (another God?) to achieve His goals.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God is sovereign, and unopposable. Satan and sinners oppose his unopposibility.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God created hell. God cannot be blamed for creating hell.
CHRISTIAN DOUBLE-TALK: God never changes. God is love. God sometimes changes his mood from love to anger.
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