Dear One,
Wanna hear a scandalous thing?
“The cross” is a scandal. Yeah, not kidding.
Makes people whisper. Gossip. The word “snare” is in the Greek Bible “scandal”…
GAL 5:11 Now I, brethren, if I am still heralding circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? Consequently the snare (scandal) of the cross of Christ has been nullified.
Jim Coram wrote about THE SNARE OF THE CROSS here:
I think it’s a scandal to most folks (the cross) because all the work is done for you. They so desperately want to have a role in their salvation… but no… it is the work of God. No one can boast.
Salvation is a gift. Faith is a gift. God operates in you to do good. All is out of, through and for God. Scandalous.
The circumcision boys (“some came from James”) don’t like this “cross” business. That want a list of rules YOU MUST DO… to make them happy. If Paul were preaching THE LIST, they’d be happy.
Freewillers love THE LIST.
Not Paul. He said the law was given that sin might increase. (Romans 5)
The scandal people are sure that sin is a HUGE problem. They don’t know, God dealt with sin, in Christ’s cross. Christ died for all. He died to save sinners. — it’s a scandal. Why? Because His death was efficacious. Nothing else is needed. The whole future comes out of the work on the cross.
Grace to you.
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