Let’s see if sinners can escape the cross

Oh how wonderful that CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS.
So says Paul.
Others say that’s not enough. Something else MUST be done. They deny this to the point where we’re led to believe He didn’t accomplish what He set out to accomplish.
He died to save sinners, but somehow, they are not saved. Or, they will not be saved. Either way, the reason He died, will not be efficacious nor see it’s intended results.
These folks have it that “Christ died to make it possible for sinners to be saved.” — But that’s nothing like CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS.
These folks have it that “Christ’s death makes salvation possible.” But that’s as far as they go…. they don’t step over the edge…. and say CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS.
These folks have it that salvation is “possible” but not “actual” thanks to Christ’s death.
Somehow, they just do not believe CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS.
Somehow, they “know” His death will not/can not, result in saving the sinners for whom He died.
One might ask… if Christ’s death does not save sinners, what does?
Good Works? Obedience? Clean living?
If Christ’s death does not save sinners, did He not die in vain?
CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS… but in the religion of man, SIN is the very thing that will keep you from being “saved”. Christ did not die to save Christians. He did not die to save the ones who have no sin. He died to save sinners. WHY? Does He love sinners or something? Aren’t they the worst?
I’m writing to bring you back to the cross of Christ. Nothing else matters. Everything happened there. Brother Paul says we died with Him, there on the cross. That, is a big idea, that needs to be explored.
The question is… does the cross change US??? Or does our response and reaction to the cross changes it’s power and efficacy????
We, the chosen, happened upon the faith early. But CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS. I’m so excited, and look forward to seeing this play out before our eyes… even if it takes place over the next two eons.
CHRIST DIED TO SAVE SINNERS… Let’s see if sinners can escape the cross and squash the accomplishments of the Son of His love.

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  1. How many eons are there?

    How long is each eon?

    I believe you said that there are at least five eons and that two of them are still in the future. Is that true?

    Marshall >

    1. The word AION shows up about 192 times in the New Testament, as I recall.
      The English word is EON.
      The scripture mentions…
      “before the eons”
      “this wicked eon”
      “the eons to come”
      “the end of the eons”
      “the eons of the eons”– a reference to the best two eons to come. Like the “holy of holies”… “king of kings”.
      “the eon of the eons”… a reference to the best of all the eons.

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