Smoking A Cigar To The Glory of God.

SOME YEARS ago, I went to downtown Salt Lake during Christmas time. At that time the Mormon church puts on a display of a million christmas lights. It’s quite a site.
Must be a 2 acre or 3 acre site at the church grounds.
I was walking around for perhaps 45 minutes enjoying the lights and my cigar.
Finally a Mormon bouncer approached me. “Excuse me, sir, we have a problem.” he said.
“What is it, my cowboy hat? I coyly replied.
“No” he says, “it’s the tobacco.”
Knowing that he was a “man of God” I proceeded thus:
“Well, you know that in the Bible it says ‘Do all things to the glory of God’ so I am smoking this cigar to the glory of God.”
“That’s fine.” he said, “but can you take it off the church grounds.”
It was a fine 45 minutes. And a fine cigar.
Grace to you.
Ace Theo.

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