Stacy Is Stubborn, Welcome To The Club.

T @{KISStheSON} 
Dear Stacy, you are stubborn. God told me.
He told me when I was reading Romans 11:32. Welcome to the club.
The vast amount of disagreements over the book of Revelation is HUGE.
Even Brother Martin Luther had doubts about that book.
I’m probably the only brother you’ve ever met who has read the book of Revelation OUT LOUD… 3 times. What a trip to read it at one sitting. It’s unlike any talk on Revelation I’ve ever heard. To read it at one sitting, it’s like a whirlwind of story-line and CGI imagery.
No Hollywood script-writer could match it, in my opinion.
I think Zender has a years worth of videos about the book of Revelation. Personally I’m not interested in it. Why?
Because I’m stuck on Paul.
I’m quite sure I don’t fully understand the evangel of Grace yet, why would I want to bother with Revelation, which I know concerns Israel?
And being that I’ve read the dang book aloud at least 3 times, I can tell you, I found nothing in it to contradict the saying that is faithful, and worthy of all welcome, that God is the savior of all mankind, especially, but not exclusively of believers. (Again, see I TIM 4:9 and 10 and 11.)
And note: verse 11 says COMMAND AND TEACH THIS!!!
So, with God’s blessing, I don’t teach “nuthin'” about no lake of fire, no great white throne, no beast and mark and sulfur, and stuff… I just teach that God is the savior of all.
I think Knoch had a good point about the whole matter… that “revelation” actually means “unveiling”… it unveils Christ.
Still, I’m not so interested in it for reasons stated above (it’s part of the circumcision evangel).
My intention — for the forseeable future — is to focus on Paul’s 13 letters to the early church, and perhaps a smattering of Acts.
I can honestly confess, that as long as I was a regular “christian” — baptist, pentacostal, charismatic type — mixing all the bible up into one pot of soup, I did not really “trust” in the living God, who is the savior of all.
I was quite sure that my salvation was unsure, and I was quite burdened with the idea that I must TELL EVERYONE TO REPENT less they “go to endless” hell.
But, now, I cannot but “trust in the living God who is the savior of all, especially of believers”.
And since God is the savior, I’ll just have to trust Him to save all that He wills to save. And guess what, He wills to save all.

VERSE 9 – Faithful is the saying, and worthy of all welcome,
VERSE 10 – For, for this we labor and suffer reproach, that we rely on the living God who is the savior of all mankind, especially of believers.
VERSE 11 – These things command and teach.

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