Study to show yourself approved (you said so yourself!) Olam, aion, and aionios OFTEN do not mean eternal, forever, or everlasting. I can prove it using the bible.

From Brother Alan Azargushasb

Lets talk about the eternity/forever/everlasting in the bible (English  translations). When you see eternal forever or everlasting, usually they come from the Greek words Aion, and its adjective form Aionios, as well as the Hebrew word Olam. Aion and Olam mean an age. Aionios is the adjective form of an age, so it can be translated as age-lasting or age abiding or agely or age-like. The reason they are translated as eternal forever or everlasting is because mainstream theology dictates that these words must mean eternal forever or everlasting. If the bible were translated accurately most of the denominations would collapse. In English we have various words for time. Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Century, Millennia. When you transfer them over to the adjective form they do not become forever but become, Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Centennial, Millennial.The adjective form is limited by the noun its based on. America is a noun, American is the adjective form of the noun, something that is American has the characteristics of something pertaining to America. Same goes for China and Chinese, France and French, Germany and German. Another example of the noun and adjective form is Spice and Spicy. Spice is a noun, Spicy is the adjective. Sponge is the noun, Spongy is the adjective, Salt is the noun, Salty is the adjective. Sugar is the noun, sweet is the adjective. Wood is a noun, wooden is the adjective. Rubber is the noun, Rubbery is the adjective. An age is period of time, it can last a few days to hundreds/thousands of years, but it comes to an end. Agely would be the adjective form of an age. Since there is no word in the English language  or you can say age-abiding, or age pertaining.

The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament and was the Bible of the early church. The word aion occurs in it about four hundred times in every variety of combination. The adjective aionios derived from it, is used over one hundred times. Aion denoted an age, great or small, so the adjective aionios expressed the idea pertaining to or belonging to the aion, whether great or small. But in every case this adjective derives its character and duration from the aion to which it refers.

In the Septuagint the Greek word, aion, is used to translate the Hebrew word olam. Thus, if we want to get a sense of the N.T. meaning of aion, we need to understand the meaning of olam in the O.T. Numerous passages referring to olam show clearly it cannot mean “never-ending” in those texts. Note these few:

¨ Jonah was in the fish forever [olam , aionios-plural in LXX]. But only until he left three days later (Jon. 1:17; 2:6).

¨ Sodom’s fiery judgment is eternal [olam, aionios-singular in LXX ]. But only until God returns them to their former state (Ez. 16:53-55; Ju. 1:7 -aionios singular). The “eternal” fire in went out, nor did it last forever

¨ A Moabite is forbidden to enter the Lord’s congregation forever [olam, aion-singular in LXX ]. But only until the 10th generation. (De. 23:3).

¨ Hills are everlasting [olam]. But only until made low and the earth is burned up (Ge. 49:26 (olam) ; De. 33:15 (olam); Is. 40:4; 2Pe. 3:10).

¨ Mountains are everlasting [olam aionios plural  in LXX ]. But only until they are scattered (Hab. 3:6 ).

¨ A slave serves his master forever [olam -aion singular in LXX ]. But only until death ends his servitude (Ex. 21:6).

¨ The Mosaic covenant is everlasting [olam aionios singular in LXX]. But only until it vanishes away (Le. 24:8; He. 8:7-13).

¨ The Aaronic priesthood is everlasting [olam]. But only until the likeness of Melchizedek arises (Ex. 40:15 olam, aion-singular in LXX ; Nu. 25:13 olam , aionios singular in LXX ; He. 7:14-22 aion singular first instance and second instance).

¨ These “stones” are to be a memorial forever [olam, aion singular in LXX ]. Where are they now ? The memorial did not last forever. (Jos. 4:7)

¨ The leprosy of Naaman shall cling forever [olam, aion singular in LXX ]. But only until his death, of course (2K. 5:27).

¨ God dwells in Solomon’s temple forever [olam]. But only until it is destroyed (2Ch. 7:16 aion singular in LXX ; 1K 8:13; 9:3 aion singular in LXX ).

¨ Animal sacrifices were to be offered forever [olam]. But only until ended by the work of Christ (2Ch. 2:4 aion singular in LXX ; He. 7:11-10:18).

¨ Circumcision was an everlasting [olam] covenant. But only until the new covenant (Ge. 17:9-13 aionios singular in LXX ; 1Co. 7:19; Ga. 5:6).

¨ Israel’s judgment lasts forever [olam aion singular  in LXX ]. But only until the Spirit is poured out and God restores it (Is. 32:13-15 aion singular in LXX ).

¨ I will make you an eternal [olam aionios singular in LXX ] excellence. But only until many generations (Is. 60:15).
..Every Sabbath Aaron sets frankincense before the Lord by an [olam aiōnios singular in LXX ] covenant. (Le 24:7-8) but only until the new covenant. (Lu 16:16; He 8:6-13; 9:15 aionios singular, for context ch 7-9)
¨ Ruins, old waste places, are [olam  aiōnios plural in LXX ]  but only until they are rebuilt  Is 58:12 Olam did not last for eternity but for until the ruins were rebuilt. 
¨ The field of the Levites is their olam, aiōnios  singular in LXX ] possession… (Le25:34 )but only until the New Covenant ends their priesthood. Lu 16:16; He 8:6-13; 9:15  aionios singular, for context ch 7-9 )

¨ Aaron lights lamps ” continually

[olam, aionios singular]

: it shall be a statute for ever in your generations. ” olam lasted to the end of their generations.  (Le 24:3 aionios singular in LXX ;Ex 27:21 aionios singular in LXX)
¨ Aaron blows the trumpet forever [olam, aionios singular in LXX ] throughout their generations (Nu10:8) until Christ brings a new priesthood or generations cease. (Lu 16:16; He 8:6-13; 9:15 aionios singular; Ch7-9*)
¨ Aaron eating bread is a perpetual [olam aionios singular in LXX ] statute (Lev 24:9) but only until the end of the law in Christ. (Lu 16:16; Ro 10:4; He Ch7-9*)
¨ God gave Phinehas an [olam aionios singular in LXX ] priesthood ( Nu 25: 11-13) but only until the new covenant (He 8:7-8,13; 9:15 aionios singular; Ch 7-9*)

¨ One law or ordinance shall be in the land forever [olam, aionios singular in LXX] for both the hebrew and the gentile (Nu 15:15) but only until generations cease or its law is annulled.  (Lu 16:16 ; Ro10:4 ; He 8:6-13; 9:15 aionios singular, for context ch 7-9 )
¨ Priest make atonement for everyone once a year and this shall be a statute forever [olam, aionios in LXX ]  (Lev 16:32-34), until Jesus provides atonement ONCE for for all  (Lu 16:16; He 7:27; 1 Jn 2:2)
¨ Asaph considered the days of old [olam aionios plural in LXX ] (Ps77:5, Is 63:11) Eternal cannot be pluralized or measured in years.Also these days (yom) of old (olam) are in the past, so the olam, aionios plural, lasted for day, multiple of which have past.

¨ In Israel the ancient high places are olam (ancient) [olam, aionios plural in LXX ]  Ez36:1-2 but only until made low and the earth is burned up. (Is 40:4; 2 Pe 3:10)

¨ God’s people stumbled from the ancient (olam aiōnios plural in LXX ) paths…. Jer18:15, for this God will curse them perpetually (olam aionios singular ) Jer 18:16 until God undoes the curse later on 

¨ God gives all Canaan to Abram as an everlasting [olam aionios singular in LXX ] possession ( Ge 17:8, Ge 48:4 olam, aionios singular in LXX ; 1 Chr 16:17 olam aionios singular in LXX ,  Ps 105:10 olam aionios singular in LXX ) but only until at most, the passing of the earth. (Mk 13:31)

¨ (Again) Ruins are olam aiōnios plural in LXX (Is 61:4) but only until they are rebuilt
As we can see, olam does not mean “eternal” though it can last a very long time. Also, “forever and ever” is not an accurate translation. How can you add “ever” to “forever?” Whaat is the diference between the first forever and the second forever. In the case of aion what is the diferecne between a singular aion and a plural aion if they both mean forever? The literal translation is “for the eon [olam] and further.” This makes sense. The Concordant Version Old Testament is consistent here. Consider two examples:

¨ He [David] asked life from You; You will give it to him: Length of days for an eon [olam aiong singular, aion singular LXX] and further (Ps. 21:4 CVOT).

¨ He has founded the earth on its bases. It shall never slip for the eon [olam aion singular, aion singular in LXX] and further (Ps. 104:5 CVOT).

Even passages that do not use the word olam, but signify unchanging, are not so when God is involved. Nothing can deter Him from achieving His purposes. For example:

¨ Israel’s affliction is incurable. But only until the Lord restores health and heals her wounds (Jer. 30:12, 17).

¨ Samaria’s wounds are incurable. But only until the Lord brings them back and restores them (Mic. 1:9; Ez. 16:53).

¨ Egypt and Elam will rise no more. But only until the Lord brings back their captives (Jer. 25:27; 49:39; Ez. 29:14).

¨ Moab is destroyed. But only until the Lord brings back the captives of Moab (Jer. 48:4, 42, 47).

New Testament

Consider the N. T. use of aion. Does “eternity” make any sense in the following passages? To make my point unmistakable, I have translated the Greek word aion with the English word “eternity.”

¨ What will be the sign…of the end of the eternity (Mt. 24:3 aion singular)?

¨ I am with you…to the end of the eternity (Mt. 28:20 aion singular).

¨ The sons of this eternity are more shrewd (Lu. 16:8 aion singular).

¨ The sons of this eternity marry (Lu. 20:34 aion singular).

¨ Worthy to attain that eternity (Lu. 20:35 aion singular).

¨ Since the eternity began (Jn. 9:32 aion singular; Ac. 3:21 aion singular).

¨ Conformed to this eternity (Ro. 12:2 aion singular).

¨ Mystery kept secret since the eternity began but now made manifest (Ro. 16:25-26 aionios plural, aionios plural).

¨ Where is the disputer of this eternity (1Co. 1:20 aion singular)?

¨ Wisdom of this eternity, nor of the rulers of this eternity…ordained before the eternities…which none of the rulers of this eternity… (1Co. 2:6-8 aion singular, aion singular, aion plural,  aion singular)

¨ Wise in this eternity (1Co. 3:18 aion singular).

¨ Upon whom the ends of the eternities have come. (1Co. 10:11 aion plural)

¨ God of this eternity has blinded (2Co. 4:4 aion singular).

¨ Deliver us from this present evil eternity (Ga. 1:4 aion singular).

¨ Not only in this eternity but also in that which is to come (Ep. 1:21 aion singular).

¨ Walked according to the eternity of this world (Ep. 2:2 aion singular).

¨ In the eternities to come (Ep. 2:7 aion plural).

¨ From the beginnings of the eternities (Ep. 3:9 aion plural).

¨ Hidden from eternities…but now…revealed (Col. 1:26 aion plural).

¨ Loved this present eternity (2Ti. 4:10 aion singular).

¨ Receive him for eternity (Philemon.1:15 aionios singular). Does this mean forever or only until Onesimus dies?

¨ Powers of the eternity to come (He. 6:5 aion singular).

¨ At the end of the eternities (He. 9:26 aion plural).

¨ We understand the eternities have been prepared by a saying of God (He. 11:3 aion plural).

How can we say…

¨ “Before eternity” or “eternity began”? Eternity has no beginning (Jn. 9:32 aion singular; Ac. 3:21 aion singular; 1Co. 2:7 aion plural; Ep. 3:9 aion plural).

¨ “Present eternity,” “eternity to come,” and “end of eternity?” Eternity transcends time. Only God is eternal (Mt. 24:3 aion singular; 28:20 aion singular; 1Co. 10:11 aion plural; 2Ti. 4:10 aion singular; He. 6:5 aion singular ; 9:26 aion plural).

¨ “This eternity,” “that eternity,” or “eternities”? There is only one eternity (Lu. 16:8 aion singular; 20:34-35 aion singular aion singular; Ro. 12:2 aion singular; 1Co. 1:20 aion singular; 2:6-8 aion singular aion singular ; 3:18 aion singular ; 10:11 aion plurl ; 2Co. 4:4 aion singular ; Ga. 1:4 aion singular ; Ep. 1:21 aion singular; 2:2 aion singular, 7 aion plural; 3:9 aion plural; Col. 1:26 aion plural; 2Ti. 4:10 aion singular; He. 11:3 aion plural).

¨ “Eternal secret” if the secret is revealed? (Ro. 16:25-26 aionios plural; Col. 1:26 aionios singular). It is no longer a “secret” at that point.

¨ Onesimus will be Philemon’s slave for eternity? Is he still his slave (Phil. 1:15 aionios singular)?

The word most translations translate as eternal when int he phrase eternal life or eternal punishment is the word aionios.

Aionios life and aionios punishment

¨ Jesus warned of hell fire and its punishment as aiōnios singular( Matthew 25:46 )
but said it was “until” the last cent was paid. Mt 5:22-26 who is the judge? its Jesus, what is the prison? Gehenna fire; 18:8-9  aionios singular, 18:23-35 pay attention to verses 32*35) Thus in Jesus’ first mention of hell He clearly affirmed that aiōnios punishment is not eternal but until the last penny is paid. .
¨ God’s grace was given us in Christ before aiōnios… but we know eternity has no beginning. It is timeless. 2 Ti 1:9(aionios plural)

¨ God promised aiōnios life before time aiōnios ever began! (Tit 1:2 aionios singular first instance then aionios plural second instance)  How can something precede what is not supposed to have a beginning? NRSV, RSV, ESV state before the ages began; NASB: long ages ago; YLT: before times of ages Note how these respected translations equate aiōnios with the word age, which is limited in duration.

The KJV translates rev 20:10 like this

Revelation 20:10 King James Version
10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
that word for forever is aion in the plural form,
that word ever is also aion in the plural form
thier is no and in the text, kai is the greek word for and
inbetween the first aion and the second aion is the greek word “ton” which means “the”
the first aion is acustive the second aion is dative
so the text should read
ages of the ages

and what do you know there are some translations that do translate this properly

Revelation 20:10
CLV(i) 10 And the Adversary who is deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the wild beast and where the false prophet are also. And they shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons.”

Revelation 20:10
YLT(i) 10 and the Devil, who is leading them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where are the beast and the false prophet, and they shall be tormented day and night—to the ages of the ages.

Revelation 20:10
Rotherham(i) 10 and, the Adversary that had been deceiving them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where [were] both the wild-beast and the false-prophet; and they shall be tormented, day and night, unto the ages of ages.
The lake of fire is real, and it lasts for the ages of the ages. Once the ages of the ages end, Jesus abolishes death (1 Cor 15:26 which death is this?) and God will ALL IN ALL(1 Cor 15:28)

1 Corinthians 15:22-28
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.
24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

>For as in Adam all die [that’s everyone you believe this]
>even so in Christ shall all be made alive [you do not believe this, its the same everyone that died in Adam]

The same all that died in Adam, are the same all that are made alive in Christ (v22)! To be made alive is to be made immortal, and they are made immortal in Christ, if you are in Christ you are a Christian.

Lets talk about that word subdued/ subject in verse28, its the same word in the greek.  


Strongs Number: G5293

Orig: from 5259 and 5021; to subordinate; reflexively, to obey:–be under obedience (obedient), put under, subdue unto, (be, make) subject (to, unto), be (put) in subjection (to, under), submit self unto. G5259

It means:

    1) to arrange under, to subordinate
    2) to subject, put in subjection
    3) to subject one’s self, obey
    4) to submit to one’s control
    5) to yield to one’s admonition or advice
    6) to obey, be subject

Everything that is put in subjection unto Jesus, OBEYS JESUS. Jesus is their Lord. They are his slaves. Everyone will eventually be Jesus slave. If you are a slave of Jesus, you are a christian (see Romans 1:1, Paul is a slave of Jesus  and James 1:1, James a slave of God and of Jesus)

> that God may be all in all.

God is going to be all in all, which all? The same all that died in Adam! God is not all in all that is left, no God is all in all, all in all the humans he created. God created mankind to be a temple for him to dwell in, believers have the holy spirit of God, God is in them, God dwells in them. For God to be all in all, everyone would have to be a believer! Right now only some people have the holy spirit, but the day will come when everyone will repent and believe the gospel. And notice who is being subjected to Jesus? The enemies! The enemies are subjected unto Jesus, and God is all in all the enemies Jesus subjects!

Scores of passages demonstrate that aion is of limited duration.
You might ask if olam aion mean age and aionios means age like or age abiding why has no one translated the bible as such? They have! These translations are obscure though and not popular. If you were to rightly translate the scriptures people would think you are messing with the word of God when it is the exact oppisite.

Punishment of the Ages Weymouth NT in Modern Speech (1978) Kregel
Age-abiding correction Rotherham Emphasized Bible (1902)
Punishment age during Young’s Literal Translation (1898)
Chastening eonian Concordant Literal Translation (1976 6th Ed)
Eonian correction Clementson’s The NT (1938)
Aionian cutting-off Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott (1942)
Long correction Fenton’s The Holy Bible in Modern Eng. (1903)
An age of chastening The Gospel (1975)
Age-abiding correction The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible (1976)
Age-continuing correction The People’s New Covenant (N.T.) Arthur Overbury (1925)
Rehabilitation for a setperiod of time The Source NT A. Nyland (2004)
Unconditional-being correction Etymological NT, An Ultra Literal Tran., by J.M. Wine (2011)
Punishment of the Last Age The Christian Bible, Christian Bible Society (1995)
Will begin to serve a new period of suffering The NT A New Translation by J Greber (1980)
Eonian discipline The Writ, Dabhar Translation Art Kerber (2005)
Age-continuing punishment A Critical Paraphrase of the NT Vincent Roth (1960)
Agelasting cutting-off The N.T. of our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed (1958)
Age-long punishment 2001 Translation —An American English Bible [LXX based] (2001)
Eonian pruning Jonathan Mitchell Translation (2010)
Aeonian punishment Twentieth Century NT (1900)
Aeonian chastisement Hanson’s The New Covenant (1884)
Aionian punishment The NT Abner Kneeland (1823)
Aeonian punishment Scarlett’sNT (1792)

Proof that hell is not forever, the reason it says so in most bibles is a mistranslation of the words olam, aion, aionios. (start here) [the pages are out of order]

What happens to us when we die (we cease to exist, dead people are not conscious whatsoever) (then go here)

the Rich Man and Lazarus is a parable, here is an explanation of the parable (then go here)

Why certain doctrines contradict the gospel (trinity, free will, eternal torment, going to heaven/hell immediately after you die instead of waiting for the resurrection, the immortality of the soul )

predestination, free will, and the problem of evil (we have no free will, God is in control of our wills, God created evil, however evil will not last forever, once evil has served its job it will be done away with, the good it produces will last forever)

the eventual destiny of humanity, we all all become God’s children and live with him forever, check out the byte show interviews and audios

other general links

The guys below teach the 2 gospels truth (I can be wrong about this, but this is what I currently believe, then go here)

The guys below mix the two gospel into one gospel, but their is much truth here, I learned alot from these websites

Save the links to notepad documents and bookmark them for further reading.

This is a summery of what I believe.
JESUS SAVES EVERYONE IN THE END. THE LAKE OF FIRE IS NOT FOREVER. DEATH IS REAL. Those that die have no consciousness whatsoever, there is no afterlife Ecc 9:4-10

However, 2000 years ago a man named Jesus was born, he was the son of God. God, who always existed, begat Jesus, Jesus did not always exist. First there was the Father, God,  then came his son. Jesus really is Gods son.
Jesus lived a perfect life, and died on the cross as a substitute for you and all the bad deeds you have committed in your life, these bad deeds are called sins, we are all sinners, and the wages of sin is to suffer and eventually die.

3 days Later after being totally dead (he ceased to exist and was in a lifeless corpse) God raised him back to life and Jesus ascended into heaven.

Thanks to this he defeated death and sin once and for all for everyone. Since he was sinless he could die in your place.  

Thanks to this, everyone will one day attain immortality and enter into the Kingdom of God, hell exists for some but it is not forever. In the end Jesus saves all. The cross grantees the salvation of everyone who ever lived. We have no free will. God gives faith to anyone he chooses. In the end he will give faith to all.


hey ace, that study primarily came from the first 2 articles
i just combined the 2 and added the LXX where it applied and its tense

…make sure to give him the credit as well.

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