The Teachings Of The Eons. Part Two: God Made The Purpose Of Eons In Christ. #58
The Ace Theological Company’s
95 Theses #58
The Teachings Of The Eons.
Part Two: God Made The Purpose Of Eons In Christ.
Good Morning Saint,
(Don’t mind me calling you that, I just happen to know, God has appointed you as such.)
Monday, Feb 28th, 2022
5:00 a.m. — you guys are up early.
23º out, a high of 48º expected. (That degree symbol is weird today.)
Remember Pauls writes to Timothy to “Have a pattern of sound words”??
Well, I was thinking… let’s say we have no clue what he meant by that expression… let’s say we’re fresh and new at this “bible” thing.
It seems to me… of all the things we could do, regarding our thinking and pondering the “bible” is to “have a patter of sound words”…. It at least means don’t be making crap up out of whole cloth. And I’m here suggesting that “have a patter of sound words would ALSO mean… have a patter of ‘sound words’ when it comes to TRANSLATING the “bible” from that ancient languages into beloved ole English.
So… because all those so-called “scholars” were just rip-roaring drunk when they got to the word AION in the Greek New Testament… we get anything BUT a pattern… and anything but a patter of SOUND WORDS.
GET THIS…. AION (singular, plural, and adjective forms) is the most screwed up word in all the popular translations.
If we could have sobered up those bible translators… and twisted their arms… we might have gotten some consistency with this word.
It shows up 199 times in the New Testament. And most bibles have used something like 10 different words to represent the Greek word AION.
That is a “pattern of confusion” if you ask me.
In one verse it’s ETERNAL… in another verse it’s NEVER. — Those guys are all over the board. World, age, forever, “and ever”, and a few others come to mind… it’s not consistent.
And because of this… according to me… we have so many denominations… and bible fights….
It’s dang near impossible to come to any agreement concerning the things of God when you can’t even get your vocabulary straight.
You might be arguing over two different things, and you don’t even know it… I’ve seen this type of argument between a man and his wife before… they were yelling about two different things and didn’t know it.
(One argument I remember was the wife said “Do we have any beans?” The husband was standing on a footstool looking in the cupboard for a can of beans… and he responds… “I don’t see any.” So, she says in a louder voice… “But do we have any beans?” — to which he says “I don’t see any?” And it got louder. Two different frames of reference going on… such is life.)
This is our “2nd installment” in our effort to explore THE TEACHINGS OF THE EONS from the Bible.
I’m thinking it’s rather cheesy to just use some type of concordant translation of the Bible… and settle the idea that there is no ETERNAL HELL because the word ETERNAL is a concoction of a drunk bible translator.
It’s “cheesy” because seeing that there is no ‘eternal hell’ is just the beginning of seeing the delight and beauty and the purpose of God.
When we were last speaking of this… I showed you Hebrews 1:2… where it says that the eons were made in the Son. — That passage is beautiful and deep… and we tried to see more of God in it.
The biggest idea from Hebrews 1:2 that anyone can see… is that the EONS WERE MADE… get it? If the drunks want to insist that AION is or can be “ETERNAL”… here… in Hebrews 1:2… we see that the EONS WERE MADE— IN THE SON OF GOD. Now of course the King James drunks have this verse say “He made the worlds” — but the word is AIONS… so there.
As we go along… I want to show that the AIONS have a beginning and an end. So Hebrews 1:2… is one place where we can see the beginning of the EONS. They were made in the Son.
Now, our next clue is in Ephesians 3:11
Eph. 3:
10 that now may be made known to the sovereignties and the authorities among the celestials, through the ecclesia, the multifarious wisdom of God,
11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord;
12 in Whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through His faith. —
So, in Hebrews 1:2 we see that the eons were made in or through the Son of God… but here in Ephesians we see the word PURPOSE jammed up next to the origin of the eons. And the PURPOSE is associated with — not the “SON” of God… but with “Christ Jesus, our Lord”.
(Keep in mind, we want to “have a pattern of sound words” so it seems mildly clever to ask, “what do we have here?”)
Hmmm… “the purpose of the eons” comes to us through “Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
5:38 a.m. Coffee refill time…
My first cup was black, this cup has a hit of coconut oil in it…
Kind of exotic… tasting.
Ok, where were we… God made the eons in His Son, but he makes the PURPOSE of the eons in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
I know we can find meaning here… “a pattern of sound words”… but where can we go, how far can we take it.
I have often had fun with this “PURPOSE” thing… in my sparring with the “christian brothers”… I would ask them “WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF GOD”… and they would look at me like I had two heads.
I contend they don’t really believe God. Therefore the purpose of God also is foreign to them. The first “brother” I ever asked this question of… instantly started YELLING at me. Why did that question upset him so? Even here on some YouTube channels, I’ve been booted out of the chat, when I ask “What is God’s purpose?” — It’s almost as if the question itself exposes their ruse.
But, the word PURPOSE is found in the Bible, often… and it’s often found right next to the word God… as in “God’s purpose”.
My inquiry into God’s purpose always leads me to Ephesians 3:11…
11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord;
I confess, there is too much going on in verse 11 for my little brain to grasp… but I love to pretend to be a big boy and get it.
So, God has a purpose. And God has an “eonian purpose” … and He makes this eonian purpose in Christ Jesus. And we’re just scooting right over our initial point… THE EONS are not “eternal”… they have a beginning. And a purpose.
If we look at verse 10, above… it seems that this PURPOSE is to show off God’s wisdom. Wow… now, after all these years… when I next go up to a “brother” and say “Hey, what is the purpose of God”… I can, according to verse 10 say that the PURPOSE OF GOD IS TO SHOW OFF HIS WISDOM.
WOW… I feel better already. Check it out…
10 that now may be made known to the sovereignties and the authorities among the celestials, through the ecclesia, the multifarious wisdom of God, 11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord; 12 in Whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through His faith. —
“That now may be made known… the wisdom of God… which He makes… in accord with the purpose of the eons… in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
And it’s not just any ole ‘wisdom’… it’s a multifarious wisdom.
This is the “teachings of the eons”… and you won’t get these “teachings” if you have a whacked out bible translation… stop what you’re doing and get a better translation… like Young’s or the Concordant translation.
Let’s say you don’t know what the purpose of God is… But just knowing and trusting that God has a purpose… somehow (to me) seems comforting and delightful. I can (with you) sit back and watch.
Let’s say you call a plumber to come look at your busted water heater. And he knows what he’s doing… HE’S GOT SPUNK… HE’S GOT PURPOSE… does he have to explain every little detail to you??? Or should he give your a price quote for the job and get to work?
If God has a PURPOSE… does he have to cover every detail to us? Or should He get on with it.
But it’s so natural to say to God — “Why did you make me thus?” (See Romans 9)
The purpose of God is revealed in the TEACHINGS OF THE EONS. And we’ll never see the purpose of God, if we use a drunken translation that haphazardly translates AION as ‘ETERNAL’ sometimes.
God “makes” the purpose of the eons in Christ.
God “makes” the eons in His Son.
Two, steps? Two revelations about the same step?
Hebrews 1:2 and Ephesians 3:11 ???
10 that now may be made known to the sovereignties and the authorities among the celestials, through the ecclesia, the multifarious wisdom of God, 11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord; 12 in Whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through His faith. —
I see you brothers in the side-chat are all excited about the word “multifarious wisdom”… but here I am stuck on the word “purpose” … I’m thinking you’re on to something bigger than my mind and my experience will allow at the moment… as I came into the way by some dudes preaching about “God’s eternal purpose”… and I was deluded enough to think that THEY were soooooo smart… and wise… as they could prattle about something that no one can understand… and that is an “eternal purpose” — a purpose that has “no beginning and no end” — ‘eternal’ get it?
I guess my little mind just found a THRILL to learn that it’s an eonian purpose, not an ‘eternal’ purpose. An ‘eonian” purpose has a beginning and an end, because the eons themselves have a beginning and an end.
What is God’s purpose? It’s an eonian purpose… and it’s all centered in Christ Jesus, our Lord. And holy smokes… it’s lovely and beautiful.
God’s purpose is to head up all in the Christ… it’s to be all in all… it’s to free all creation from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Eph 1:10, I COR 15:28, Romans 8:20-21).
Brother Michael Knotts says —
One of the definitions of “Purpose” is “the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists”
So, can we… conclude… that God makes the eons in His Son… and makes the “purpose” of the eons in Christ… and can we pretend to understand the distinction ? Christ is all about ‘rule’… and His Son is all about a tender relationship of happy satisfaction (Father and Son).
The word ‘PURPOSE’ cannot have any element of “no beginning and no end”… so ‘PURPOSE’ in association with both “Christ’ and “eons” MUST be limited in scope and duration.
I Corinthians 15:20-28 dares to suggest the RULE of the Christ will come to an end.
10 that now may be made known to the sovereignties and the authorities among the celestials, through the ecclesia, the multifarious wisdom of God, 11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord; 12 in Whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through His faith. —
We’re trying to see what the EONS can teach us (have a pattern of sound words) and we can see (I think) that the EONS have a beginning… and later we’ll look at verses which show that the EONS will come to an end…. So with the word PURPOSE we also can see LIMITS in the eons.
The purpose of the eons, is to make something known to the celestial beings. (See verse above.) The purpose of the eons, hardly has anything to do with us humans. Maybe it has a bit to do with us (the ecclesia, which is His body) — but it mainly has to do with those celestial beings… Why is God so concerned with them??? Why does He want to show them His wisdom? Do they recognize wisdom? Do they need to see wisdom? And multifarious wisdom at that?
It’s easy enough to see that most of “christianity” is a “me”, “me”, “me” religion… And it’s real progress to move from a “God saved me” moment to a “God saves all humanity”… but here, in Ephesians 3:10-12 we have a view all the way to the heavens and the celestial beings residing there… and that God wants to show them something… for a reason… a purpose. And if we can see that God’s purpose — sure — includes us… but it’s not all about us… it’s big, bigger than anything we learned with we were sitting in that church pew.
The eons have a beginning. And a purpose. It starts with the Son of God and includes us, but doesn’t stop until it includes the sovereignties and authorities among the celestials.
10 that now may be made known to the sovereignties and the authorities among the celestials, through the ecclesia, the multifarious wisdom of God, 11 in accord with the purpose of the eons, which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord; 12 in Whom we have boldness and access with confidence, through His faith. —
If we can shed our solipsism for a bit… and see the wisdom of God and the purpose of God… we might just relax enough to “trust” or “rely” on the living God who is the savior of all, especially, but not exclusively of believers. (I TIM 4:10)
6:44 a.m.
I’ll get some coffee and then join you guys in the side chat.
Hang on…
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