Every “creative” person (artists, writers, cooks, landscape designers, etc.) knows that “creative” is a process, not a ONE-TIME event, then it’s done. Lots of tweaking, editing, reworking, to be done.

God has begun creation (in Christ). And it’s clearly a HUGE process. A HUGE deal. But creation is not finished. Not yet.

Creation will not be complete until I Corinthians 15:28. (When God is all in all.)

Most “christian” thinking has it that God is done with His creative effort. God can do nothing more. And now man must choose between right or wrong… heaven or hell.
The pinnacle of this type of half-baked idea has to do with man’s supposed “freewill”. You see, man is so complete with a pristine “freewill” that man is perfectly capable of making the right choice concerning his eternal destiny.
Make the right choice: Man goes to heaven.
Make the wrong choice: Man goes to endless hell.
After all “The sinner can only blame himself if he goes to hell — because God did all He could do (or will do).

— under such thinking… man being created perfectly and all… if the sinner can only blame himself for going to hell, then the “christian” can only praise himself for going to heaven. Is there any “glory” left over for God? Hardly.

But I’m suggesting that God is not that reckless.

Creation has begun. But it is by no means complete. Not finished at all.

The Creator of all, is also the Savior of all.

These two thoughts are inexorably linked.

If God is NOT the savior of all, then neither is He the creator of all.

Christ is the firstborn of creation. (See Colossians 1:15)
Christ is God’s creative original. (See Revelation 3:14)

Everything else was created in Christ. (See Colossians 1:16)
Everything is held together by Christ. (See Colossians 1:17)

Every creative person (artist, writer, cook, etc.) wants to be acknowledged for their work — their creative ability.

The artist wants compliments.
The writer wants compliments.
The cook wants compliments.

Christ – the ultimate creative being, did a work on the cross. His greatest work.

Most don’t see it yet. Still some “tweaking” to do.
But all will see it.
Not even His disciples saw it as His greatest achievement — not till Paul came along and pulled back the curtain.

The first one to see what an achievement this was — was God, the Father.

… Christ was roused from among the dead through the glory of the Father,

The word GLORY has a lot to do with a HIGH OPINION.

One dictionary defines it: high renown or high honor won by notable achievements.

So… Christ was roused from the dead — by the high honor of the Father?

Why did the Father HONOR Christ’s death so?
Because the Father could see exactly what Christ was doing. The direction he was going. The result it would achieve.

The creator of all, would become the savior of all. Glory indeed.

Modern “christians” generally don’t see or honor Christ’s achievement on the cross. At best they say that salvation is now “offered” to the sinner. Not that the sinner is saved.

Why would the Father “honor” Christ’s work on the cross if it merely “offered” salvation and not actually saved?

Dare we suggest that if Christ achievement on the cross was so lacking, God would have left him in the ground.

But no… His achievement was GREAT. God’s honor was bestowed on the Son of His love. He was roused from among the dead through the glory of the Father. Oh my.

Creation has begun. This we can see.
But there’s lot’s to be done:
The grapes need to be crushed.
The wheat needs to be ground to powder.
The dough needs to be kneaded just right.
The oven needs to be turned on high.
The loaf must be baked – it’s hot in there.

Creation has begun. The potter is using clay… making vessels — some for honor, some for dishonor (See Romans 9).

But the creative effort is not done yet. Hang on. There is still two eons of time left to go. (The *“eons of the eons.”)
Save your complaining for the end. We’re sure complaints will be replace with awe — when it’s all done.

The creator of all, is also the savior of all.
Creation is His choice. Salvation is also His choice.
Thank God.

We want our focus to be on God and His Christ.
Our own personal input or contribution can mean little, really.
“God was in Christ” says one verse. (II Cor. 5:19)
The vision before us could be grand, with the faith to see.
What did the Father see in the death of Christ?
It was something so great, that HIGH ESTEEM was given to Him. And He was roused from the dead wrapped in that HIGH ESTEEM. — “GLORY”.

If Christ was an “offering” — it was an “offering” to God, not to man. To God.

Did God accept this offering. Most certainly so.
We know God accepted it because — the resurrection.
No “offering” was made to man — we’re not God.
Christ is not “offered” to the sinner.
But… and get this…
Christ’s offering to God SAVES the sinner.
Christ’s offering to God purchases the sinner.
The glory of the Father brought Christ up from the grave.
Salvation is a big part of creation. The two are inseparable.

Let us hold the work of God in the cross of Christ in high esteem as well.

The cross is stupidity to most. But God sees the big picture. The final outcome.

(*The eons of the eons–Gal. 1:5; Phil. 4:20; 1 Tim. 1:17; 2 Tim. 4:18; Heb. 13:21; 1 Pet. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:11; Rev. 1:6; Rev. 4:9,10; Rev. 5:13-14; Rev. 7:12; Rev. 10:6; Rev. 11:15; Rev. 14:11; Rev. 15:7; Rev. 19:3; Rev. 20:10; Rev. 22:5 (for ever and ever); Rev. 1:18 (for evermore). A comparison of Rev. 11:14-15 with 1 Cor. 15:27-28 makes it clear that the expression “the eons of the eons” does not mean an endless succession of eons. Christ reigns for “the eons of the eons,” after which He delivers up the kingdom to the Father and Himself becomes subject, that God may be All in all.)

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